Christmas Blabbermouth

Last night, Mr. Wolf and I went to a holiday potluck party. There were 10 of us there total and all couples. Is this what having "couple friends" is?

Anyway, I have really been struggling with keeping a secret from Mr. Wolf about what's coming for him this Christmas. I have the tendency of telling him almost everything that enters my head. I am a bit of a babbler at times, but he never acts like he minds. Obviously I can't tell him this one and it's killing me!

There was a point at which, for no reason I noticed, all the guys went down into the basement to play some game. Left in the living room were all the ladies and the two toddlers that were part of the party. I was feeling antsy with keeping my secret, so I just told them. It's only a week left; I feel like they can all hold it down until then. And it was such a relief to let it out and be able to talk about it!

Seriously, I can't wait until this part is past so I can start really doing this thing. I have so many ideas and things I want to work on and make decisions about with Mr. Wolf. I've been restraining myself. It's difficult.


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