A Small Confession

I have a little confession to admit. I know what my engagement ring looks like.

No, no, he hasn't proposed already without my telling anyone. I don't think I'd be capable of keeping that secret, honestly.

Here's what happened.

We were visiting the Manatee family home for Thanksgiving. Actually, fun fact. Though manatees most often swim alone or in pairs, they will gather in larger numbers around a warm area with plentiful food. How cool is that? I just learned that. 

But I digress.

We were there from roughly 11 AM to 5 PM before leaving for our home. I had mentioned earlier in the day that I had never done any Black Friday activities, and we live less than ten minutes from our area's mall, so we decided to swing by for a little while.

We didn't end up buying a lot of stuff, but somehow spent a couple of hours there before we decided we were done for the night. Not Friday at all by that point.

We were walking back into the department store on one side of the mall in order to get to Mr. Wolf's car when just for the heck of it we decided to look at the jewelry cases. This wasn't the first time we had done so, once visiting several stores in the 2 million square foot mall, but we never found anything we really liked. It was mostly an excuse to get our ring sizes measured, with us assuming the actual ones would come from an online jeweler.

Then a rather nice saleswoman asked us what we were looking for. She had me trying stuff on and adjusting based on what I said.

She found it. I didn't even know for sure when putting it on, but I was already rating it an 8 out of 10. The sales woman told me to walk over to the nearby mirror with a couple of different rings to see how they looked on me. This one just looked right somehow.

I wasn't sure. I'm a worrier and I thought I had to try on some more, just to be sure what I was feeling. But looking at it in the mirror moved it up to a 10 for me.

That's when the sales woman started the hard sell. This ring, which originally cost more than I plan to spend on my dress, was more than half off. Plus, with the Black Friday discounts it was even cheaper and the insurance plan was discounted as well.

I saw one more that I wanted to try on, just to be sure. It had some elements I liked that the first didn't and the first had some that one didn't. Long story short, we bought both and the second one will be my wedding band. Same brand and same sales details involved. They were almost next to each other in the case. I don't believe in kismet, but that is pretty cool.

How does Mr. Wolf feel about me knowing what they look like? Well, I know it bummed him out a little initially because he wanted to surprise me. For a little bit, he even tried to pretend we couldn't buy the one we did so he could surprise me with it later, but I got more upset than I ever would have predicted and he ended up admitting that he had actually bought it when he told me to take a walk for a little bit.

Yeah, I actually got a little upset with him then for toying with my emotions, but after sleeping that night I was fine.

Though it didn't happen quite the way he wanted it to, Mr. Wolf is still planning something. I know the ring is somewhere in the house and I'll see it again when he's ready. I'm looking forward to it, but I also want him to do it in his own time. He is actually quite good at planning surprises.

In the meantime, I can always call up a picture on the store's website?


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